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Wednesday 17 August 2011

Highlights of the last few weeks...

Reading a book in her room: 'Mammy bananas are ugly aren't they?' The book had nothing to do with bananas.

'Mammy I'm very disappointed in you, I'm going to get rid of you'

'Mammy look at the lady, she's doing Pilates' I had no idea she even knew what it was?

'Mammy you drink the puppies wee and it makes your eyes go all yellow'

I was visiting my friend with Eden and when we were leaving Eden shouts 'Bye Lynn I had a nice time with you and your boobs'

Looking at a magazine and she points at a size zero model 'Oh my god look at the state of her' (That's my girl)

She has to have an operation her her lip in a few days to remove a 'bubble' of skin and when I told her her reply was 'Is the doctor going to cut it off with a scissors' and 'Will I get to wear a mask?'

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